Reporting a concern about a breach

Nexova Group encourages people to report, in good faith, any behaviour – acts or omissions – carried out at Nexova or in relations with Nexova, that constitutes a breach (or induces a breach) of applicable laws and regulations, or Nexova’s values, policies or procedures. This applies to Nexova employees, freelancers, shareholders, suppliers, customers and, more generally, all stakeholders.

In the handling of reports, Nexova is committed to guaranteeing whistleblowers’ anonymity, to recognize their good faith and to respect confidentiality, proportionality and impartiality. Moreover, Nexova does not tolerate any form of retaliation or discrimination – actual or attempted – against those involved in the reports.

How to speak up

Here you will find all the information you need to speak up about breaches relating to Nexova, 24x7, 365 days a year.

  1. Submit your report through the dedicated platform:
  2. Include a detailed description of your concern (who, what, when, how) and add supporting evidence, such as copies of documents or names of witnesses, that can corroborate your report. Please note that general assertions cannot be investigated.
  3. Once you have submitted your report, you will receive an individual case number. You will need this number each time you access the system.
  4. You can track progress by going back into the website using your case number.

We take all reports seriously and will carry out the appropriate action on each report. We will keep you informed on our progress.

For details on further reporting methods or any other additional related information, please refer to our Whistleblowing policy.